Key Components of Good Parenting
Talking about key components of good parenting, it is hard to have some pet formula because of this fast changing and challenging world.
There are some key components of good parenting which will help you as parent in growing your child positively and confidently in a natural and systematic way. As, it is acknowledged fact that the relationship between youth and their parents is changing rapidly, still parents have a tremendous influence on their child’s behavior.
Researches show that appropriate parenting behavior has a tendency to learn about the key components of good parenting fundamentals which are association, independency, and parental control.
Here, we will learn association with your child in detail.
Association is one of the major key components of good parenting. Parents’ association with the children is very deep and solid. It has been noted that parents often become less involved in the lives of their children as they grow in age. Nonetheless, teenagers still need to continue an optimistic link with their parents.
You, as a parent, can maintain contacts with your teen by showing affection and affirmative affect, paying attention and indicating emphatic understanding, constructing belief, displaying acceptance, and giving consent. A good connection with caring grown-ups is one of the best safeguards a teen has as she develops.
There is unlimited range of attitudes, views and standards which can disturb you, as a parent, to choose to nurture your child. Though these differences occur, yet being a good parent, you should develop the following qualities.
Show affection
Your Youth needs grown-ups I mean parents and others who are to be available to connect with her, communicate with her and spend time with her for her better growth. You should communicate with her and show a genuine interest in her. Your affection will teach her how to learn caring attitude and show affection to others.
Pay attention
This key component for good parenting will bring you near to your child and help you understanding her. When you listen to your child, try to avoid interrupting and pay close attention to her. Listening can be beneficial if it is done in an appropriate way in a quiet place where there is no interruption.
You must know that it is hard to listen carefully if you are trying to perform some chores or watch television. It is also a fact that just listening and talking with child about the problem or an issue helps to simplify things. Attention can also be the best way to expose a grave difficulty.
Offer assistance
Your youth needs your support as she struggles with difficulties that may seem unimportant to you and family. She needs praise when she has done her best. She needs encouragement to develop interests and personal characteristics.
As a parent, you must praise and encourage your child’s achievements. You are to offer your assistance to your child whenever she requires it.
Show reverence
If you show reverence and veneration to your teen, she will show reverence and veneration by following your footsteps as you are role model for her. If your teen is carefree and careless, you need not to worry about it. Despite this, your child needs to be treated with respect.
Showing respect to your child teaches appropriate behavior and reinforces unrestricted affection in your child. You may not always love your child. You can exhibit respect by recognizing and appreciating your teen’s differences and treating her as an individual.
Reverence also requires kindness and empathy. You should try to see things from both your as well as her point of view by keeping her needs and feelings in mind.
Conversation over dissimilarities
Having conversation with your child on dissimilarities can bring solution and remove causes which originate dissimilarities and differences. You should not find it hard to manage differences with your child because communication brings some solutions.
Differences of opinions are easier to manage when you recognize that these dissimilarities can deliver significant opportunities for you to reconsider your position. Having negotiation with your child is one of the major key components of good parenting that is valuable for your teenager.
If you come across differences, you should communicate concerns firmly but calmly and explain your position to help your teen understand the reasoning.
You know that the best way to inspire a behavior is to reward it.
Present yourself as role model
Present yourself as role model for your child because she needs strong role model. You should demonstrate the behavior and values that you hope your child will develop. When you set high standard for yourself and treat others with kindness and respect, the child stands a better chance of following your example.
As teen-ager explores possibilities of which she may become, she looks to you, peers, well-known personalities and others to define who she may become.
Independency of your child
It is an acknowledged fact that everyone wants independency. So, your child also demands freedom and she likes liberty as it is her basic right. Giving freedom to your child is one of the revolutionary key components of good parenting for you. There are two common categories of independency which are emotional and behavioral.
Emotional independency
Every teen has different mental level and she has right to enjoy emotional liberty. Give your child freedom to express her emotions freely. You should try to give respect to the emotions of your child. It will enable you to understand her emotions and later on understand and judge her personality in a better way.
Behavioral independency
It is also called decisional independence. It is the ability which enables your teenager to make choices about her behavior. Emotional independence and behavioral independence are highly connected. As your teen becomes more emotionally independent, she desires to make more of her own choices.
Behavioral independence in early teen has been found to result in higher risk for deviation and poor academic performance. So, at early teen age, your child needs full attention and care. You are to offer freedom in limited range to your child.
Freedom criteria
If you set solid criteria for your child’s freedom, it is much better for her grooming. Some parents allow too much of the wrong kind of freedom, or they offer freedom before the teen is ready to accept it. Furthermore, parents adhere too firmly, refuting young teens both the tasks they need to grow adult and the chances they want to make varieties and admit their penalties.
Here are some important parts of key components of good parenting to help balance closeness (dependence) and independence.
Set boundaries for your child
Being sensible and mature parent, you should set boundaries for your child. This part of key components of good parenting is necessary for you. It is a fact that all children, sometimes, struggle limits, but they want them, and they need them.
The whole world that may seem too wild for you and your child alike are limits but you must know that limits provide security to you and your child.

Often it has been noted that teenagers whose parents do not set limits feel unloved. Setting limits is the most effective for you when you set them early. It is tough but not impossible to get positive results that give benefit both you and your child.
To know this philosophy of parenting style, read my article on types of parenting styles.
Be perfect for your child
If you succeed to be perfect for your child, it is one super key point among the key components of good parenting. It has been seen that mostly teens reply best to exact commands, which are repeated regularly. You should not give ambiguous requests, like, “I want your room clean.” Instead, you should say, “you keep your room very clean”.
You can further say, “I am going to held competition keeping the room clean and I hope you will be the winner.” Your child will be perfect and she will consider you perfect, which is the result of your perfect words, at perfect time.
Offer sensible selections to your child
As a parent, you are to think that choices make your teen more open to guidance. For example, you should suggest your child establishing the rule that homework must be done before bed. If you allow the teen to decide she will do it. If you want to deny a teen something that she wants to do, you should suggest an acceptable alternative choice.
Be open to cooperate your child
As your teen gets older, rules may become more flexible and open to negotiate. You are supposed to listen to your teen’s concerns when you are discussing tasks, limitations, access to the car, and other rules and rights. If you discuss and give guidelines to your teen, you can raise her ability to think independently, compromise and negotiate agreements which are all important life skills.
Allowance individuality in stages
Key components of good parenting help you in the development of your child. The more mature and responsible your teen’s behavior is, the more rights you can grant to her. For example, allow a young teen to pick out new gym shoe within a specific price range.
You will observe that later on, your teen may be able to manage her school clothes’ shopping within a given budget. But, you will have to approve purchases before you remove the tags. Finally, your teen can manage her shopping of the clothes without your supervision in given budget. She will feel confidence in her personality.
Give priority to fitness and protection
Your crucial responsibility, as a parent, is to protect your child’s health and safety. You should allow the child to know what things threaten her health and safety. Help her to take care of not only her health and safety but also of others.
The very decision may be an area of disagreement, as teenager often believes that nothing bad will happen to her. At the same time, she feels that everything she experiences is new and unique. Make your child aware that her health and fitness are more important than that of any financial benefit.
Ignore the choice that disconnects future opportunities
You are to ignore the choices which may disconnect you from her future opportunities. If you are to haggle on some points which you consider are wrong for your child, you will have to do it carefully in such a systematic and friendly atmosphere which may keep you close to your child. Nothing is so worth as a strong and authentic argument.
You should avoid too much haggle and refusal with your teen. When you insist that the answer is “No,” such as health and safety issues, or when the choice can cut off future options for her, she might misunderstand it. Your teen may have a growing sense of the future, but she still lacks the experience required to fully understand how a decision she makes today can affect her tomorrow.
You must talk to your teen about the lifelong consequences of the choices, she makes. You should help her understand, there are good and bad decisions and that knowing one from the other can make all the difference in her life.
Monitor and guide with balance
It is important for you as parent to strike the right balance between laying down the law and allowing too much freedom. You can easily maintain this balance between you and your teen by guiding but not controlling. Your teen needs chances to explore different roles; you should try on new character and experiment. She needs to learn that choices have consequences which mean making some mistakes and accepting the results.
However, you need to provide guidance so that your teen may avoid making too many poor choices. You can guide by being a good listener and by asking questions that help the teen to think about the results of her actions.
Allow your child make mistakes
Being parent, you want your child to grow into adults who can solve problems and make good choices. These abilities are an essential part of being independent. You are to develop these abilities, however, your teen, on occasions, needs to fail, provided the dangers are not too high and no one’s health or safety is at risk.
If she makes mistakes, it also allows her to learn one critical skill which is how to bounce back by showing resilience. You can teach your child how to learn from mistakes.
Framing schedules ensure consequences
Sensible parents frame such schedules which ensure consequences and guide the child on the right track. You are to know that consequences are a result of choices and how people calculate their choices and decision making processes.
You, as parent, can help your child how to follow the rules, respect authority, and understand good decision making by providing consequences. Your child focuses on the consequence more than her behavior.
Keep control over your child
One of the most effective key components of good parenting that matters is your control over your child. You regulate your child’s behavior through supervision, appropriate limits, and discipline. Regulation teaches your child self-control and respect for the rules.
It has been noted that regulation presents differently depending on parenting styles and I suggest authoritative parenting style for you to adopt in order to drive your child on the right track with flexibility. Always keep in mind that flexibility is the sign of life while rigidity demonstrates death.
You should keep in mind that most parents do not follow any style completely. Furthermore, sometimes, parenting style changes from one child to the next or at times when the parent spends more or less time and energy for parenting.
Parenting styles can also be affected by concerns the parent has in other areas of her life. As parent, you are to adopt flexible style that is neither strict nor loose like authoritative parenting style.
In a nutshell (Key Components of Good Parenting)
Parenting is the most important job you will ever have on this planet. It is also one of the most challenging jobs for you being a parent. But, through effective parenting, you can make this world a heaven where people would love to live happily.
Above mentioned key components of good parenting can help you in nurturing your child in an effective way. Your job of parenting changes as your child grows and becomes mature. You require adjustments to the needs and ages of your child.
When you find any positive change in your child, it is good idea to appreciate and celebrate the positive changes. You are to manage time to talk and listen to your child. It is your obligation to teach responsibility to your child constructively. You are supposed to be kind, firm and consistent for the betterment of your teen.
Have a happy and successful journey on the way of effective parenting.