Must You Know Your Parenting Style
Know your parenting style: It’s a common problem of every parent to think that which style of parenting is best for their children. A parenting style is based upon these strategies which are key components for effective parenting. According to psychology, there are different styles of parenting.
Most of the parents apply all the formulas of parenting on their child which they received from their forefathers. As a parent, you should not follow the old techniques in a blind way. Your parenting style should be organized according to your child’s behavior. You, first of all, should understand your child’s behavior and then adopt a proven effective style for you and your child.
Four parenting styles
Expert researches show four types of parenting styles which are following:
Authoritative parenting style
The authoritative parenting style is an approach in which love and limits are combined at the same time. This parenting chic is considering an ideal childrearing style. This style of child rearing is adopted by those families which are educated, middle class, child caring and those who want that their child play a key role in society.
When you, as a parent, adopt authoritative childrearing style, you should keep one thing in mind that love and limits are directly proportional in this style. In this style, parents should negotiate on the problems instead of punishment. Punishment is rare in this education style. If child does some mistakes, you, as a parent, should motivate your child emotionally to stop these mistakes.
Such parents mostly avoid shaming their children. When children misbehave, they talk to them and tell them the consequences of good and bad behavior.
When you, as a parent, adopt this ideal child-rearing style, it will help your child to develop the qualities of self-discipline, maturity and respect for others.
Authoritarian Parenting
Authoritarian parenting style is a strict nurturing style. In this childrearing style, demands are expected a lot, like response and expectations. This child-rearing style is not impressive and progressive. Because, in this style, parents adopt cold and harsh behavior, child becomes reactive.
Parent with this style of parenting give first preference to discipline over fun. Parents with this style consider that punishment is the solution of each and every problem which is a misconception. If we compare this style of parenting with authoritative, we find this style of parenting one the worst parenting styles.
The role of negotiation is rare in this nurturing style. Children who are nurtured through authoritarian parenting style are socially and academically weak because they face strictness every time. Owing to strict environment, children behave fearfully. Most of the children are depressed and anxious due to uncomfortable and strict atmosphere and these things damage child’s personality.
Permissive Parenting (Know your Parenting Style)
Permissive style of parenting is a frank style of parenting. In this style of parenting, child and parent behave with each other like a buddy. Children are free from lot of demands.
In this permissive style of parenting, the concept of low demandingness and high responsiveness is quite appropriate. Know your Parenting Style
Parents don’t expect mature behavior from their children, because they nurture their children in friendly environment. As mistakes of friends are ignored, they try to ignore the mistakes of their children. This style affects a lot on the social, academic and self-discipline of children.
As, parents have little expectations and demands, children mostly show low achievement in many areas of life. They also make poor and irresponsible decisions. If you want your child to spend a mature life, you set some limits along with freedom. You, as a parent, should provide limited fun and frank environment and avoid extra freedom.
Uninvolved Parenting style
Among all parenting styles, this style is the worst style of rearing children. In this style, children are not given proper guidance, love and affection from their parents. This style is also called ignored or neglectful style of parenting. As it is ignored style of parenting, parents don’t show and expect educated behavior from children.
Parents don’t’ provide proper education and life necessary commotion to their children. This style of rearing children is also called ignored or neglectful parenting style. As it is ignored style of parenting, parents don’t show and expect educated behavior from children.
As parent is free from each and every problem of children, their response of children is equal to the response of parents. Children spend a life without limits and expectations. In this way, they usually adopt social evils and their academic performance normally is not well.
Most of the children who are nurtured with uninvolved parenting become addicted to wine, cigarette and other life destroying bad habits. Know your Parenting Style
In a nutshell
Keep on learning about effective parenting and become one of the best parents. These four styles of parenting will help you a lot in aligning your parenting process.
Written by: Muhammad Nadeem